Why We Walk


Anastasia Burgess 

Home City: Bronx, NY

Crash Anniversary: September 25, 2004

“On September 25, 2004 my daughter Anastasia went to visit her cousin to celebrate her birthday. My birthday was the 26th so I too was celebrating. On the 25th, I received a call that my daughter was in a car crash. I was prepared to go sit in the hospital but fate had a different idea for me. My family and I instead went to the medical examiner’s office to identify my baby. There we found out she burned beyond recognition. I had to plan a funeral I was not ready for. I never thought I would outlive my child. Every day is different for me because I go to bed just to wake up and deal with the painful reality each day. Speaking about Anna in the past is so painful that I can't even explain it.

I would love to say my life is great or I have no worries but every single day I worry about losing another child. My reality is, I pray for strength each and every day. I go to sleep asking for strength and I wake up with the same thought. I wish that people who drink and drive understand what it causes. When someone drinks and drives it's not only the victim’s family that is destroyed, it’s their family as well. I pray that one day this is just a figment of our imagination.”

-Alana Burgess