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We are deeply grateful for your generosity and support of Walk Like MADD. 

Walk Like MADD is the signature fundraising event to support Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s mission to create a future of No More Victims®

Below are tips and tools to help you reach your fundraising goal: 

Getting Started


Team Captain handbook
Offline Donation Form
Goal Thermometer

Fundraising Tips

fundraising a-z
campaign tip sheet
how to raise $500
restaurant give back night
dress down to end drunk and Drugged driving
Coloring shoe template
change for a cause
Participant fundraising tips

Using Milestones


Get Social

Do Live Streaming from your Walk page
facebook profile picture
facebook cover photo
sample posts for social media

Creating a Facebook Fundraiser that Links to your Walk page


Resources for Virtual Walk Participants

Chalk the Walk
Instructions for Electronic Walk Remembrance Board