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Joey Seger

Home City: Pleasant Hill, OH

Crash Anniversary: September 21, 2010

Joey was just 18 years old, a senior at Piqua High School in 2010. He had dreams of being just like his dad, Ron, a machinist. He loved building derby cars with his brother Brian, and he loved to give his mom, Laura, hugs and talk about his favorite things. Joey loved his dog, Pepper. Joey was a typical teenager enjoying his senior year of high school when all of those dreams came to an abrupt halt. On September 21st, 2010 Joey was with his dad when just four miles from his home, an impaired driver went left of center and hit them head on. Joey, who was driving, saw her and drove his truck into the ditch causing Joey's seat belt to be cut and then ejected from the vehicle. In less than 10 seconds, Joey's dreams were gone and his life ended. There would be no more memories to make, no future to look forward too, and a family given a life sentence they did not ask for, a life without Joey. Joey was loved by so many and is missed everyday. Crashes happen and life goes on, but for those left behind, like Joey's family, life is never the same again. Impaired driving is 100% preventable and should never take the life of an innocent individual. Please, plan ahead, call a Lyft - Uber - Taxi, be the designated driver, or stay home as this keeps impaired drivers off the roads.